Can I return or exchange My Order?
Yes, we offer hassle-free returns. All eleven football products come from authorized brands and have a retailer warranty.
Please check our return and exchange terms.
when will my order be processed?
The order will be processed after the payment is confirmed, and we will process the order immediately.
Where Is my order?
For the most accurate information, we recommend checking the online tracker of our shipping partners.
If you are still having trouble, please contact our team, we will help you.
when can we place an order?
Anytime, we will process orders immediately even on public holidays.
How long will it take us to receive our order?
It depends on the delivery location and the type of delivery you choose. Choose the type of delivery you need carefully so that the delivery time is right for your needs.
What are the accepted payment methods?
We accept the following payment methods:
- Bank Transfer
- Credit card
Please follow the purchase process on the eleven football website, we will direct the payment method according to your expectations.
Can I cancel or change my order?
Any order that has been submitted cannot be changed or cancelled due to the system. Make sure your order is correct and check carefully before placing the order. However, you can contact our Customer Service if you have any inquiries regarding this matter.
How do I know that I've ordered the right size?
We use US sizes as our main sizing format (this may vary a little depending on Brand and model of boot).
When ordering footwear, you will have the option of selecting between UK, EU, US and Centimeter. We recommend you to using centimeter to measure your size.
If you need some more advice then please contact our Eleven Football Team.